A bull of sand

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In the forests lives a bull
He’s made of sand and clay
When i see him, he reminds me
how my flesh and bones decay

I asked him the big question
“What happens when I die?”

His answer was straightforward
“To die is no big deal”

Like waves we raise
Like waves we fall

We are constant into motion

All changes,
help us heal

Ashtavakra – 7 – Nature of Self-Realization

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Janaka said:


In me, the shoreless ocean,

the ark of universe drifts here and there on the winds of its nature.

I am not impatient.


In me, the shoreless ocean,

let the waves of the universe rise and fall as they will.

I am neither enhanced nor diminished.


In me, the shoreless ocean,

the universe is imagined.

I am still and formless.

In this alone I abide.


The Self is not in objects,

nor are objects in the pure and infinite Self.

The Self is tranquil, free of attachment and desire.

In this alone I abide.


I am Awareness alone.

The world is passing show.

How can thoughts arise of acceptance or rejection?

And where?

About us

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I saw you

solitary, sovereign 

with acorn pride

The sun saw you too

And played with your crown

Of green and brown

Adding its bright golden light

I recognized your lovely scent, my heart

Bringing  sweet memories from beyond

from the times where time itself

did not yet start

It was You

It always was You

And while we appear

magically seperate

in reality

we are never apart


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It is winter

the earth allows the wind to undress her

to slowly remove her skirt

made of autumn leaves

The sky seduces us

with the whitest white

the quietest snow

silence falling

onto open ground

I am ready, Beloved

to receive the most precious of gifts

You exist

a love unspoken

Is real



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They meet inside my garden

The woodpecker and the squirrel 

After lunch and chit chat 

I can see them pray and whirl

Of course I get inspired

And join them in their dance

We usually part

at dusk

when the thrush sings to us

She pours out her heart

her innocence

Makes us weep

we sing with her

and hold her

until we fall asleep

Thrush, picture found at http://bird-of-the-day.blogspot.com/2011/11/song-trush.html

Sound of a thrush

Ashtavakra – 8 – Bondage and Liberation

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Ashtavakra said:


When the mind desires or grieves things,

accepts or rejects things,

is pleased or displeased by things

this is bondage.


When the mind does not desire or grieve,

accept or reject,

become pleased or displeased,

liberation is at hand.


If the mind is attached to any experience,

this is bondage.

When the mind is detached from all experience,

this is liberation.


When there is no “I” there is only liberation.

When “I” appears bondage appears with it.

Knowing this,

it is effortless to refrain from accepting and rejecting.