A dervish in ecstasy

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A frenzied dervish, mad with love for God,

Sought out bare hills where none had ever trod.

Wild leopards kept this madman company –

His heart was plunged in restless ecstasy;

He lived within this state for twenty days,

Dancing and singing in exultant praise:

“There’s no division; we two are alone

The world is happiness and grief has flown.”

Die to yourself – no longer stay apart,

But give to Him who asks for it your heart;

The man whose happiness derives from Him

Escapes existence, and the world grows dim;

Rejoice for ever in the Friend,

rejoice Till you are nothing,

but a praising voice.

For seventy years my happy heart has led

A life of constant bliss,” a sufi said.

“My God has been so good to me that I

Am bound to Him until the day I die.”

You seek for faults to censure and suppress

And have no time for inward happiness –

How can you know God’s secret majesty

If you look out for sin incessantly?

To share His hidden glory you must learn

That others’ errors are not your concern –

When someone else’s failings are denned

What hairs you split – but to your own you’re blind!

Grace comes to those, no matter how they’ve strayed,

Who know their own sin’s strength, and are afraid

Sheikh Kherghani and the aubergine

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One day Sheikh Kherghani’s devout routine

Was spoilt by cravings for an aubergine.

His mother was unsure what should be done

But hesitantly gave him half a one –

The moment that he bit its flesh a crew

Of ruffians seized his son and ran him through.

That night, outside the sheikh’s front door they laid

His boy’s head hacked off by a cutlass blade.

The sheikh cried out: “How often I’d foreseen

Disaster if I tasted aubergine!”

The man who has been chosen by this Guide

Must follow Him and never swerve aside –

His service is more terrible than war,

Than shame that cringes to a conqueror.

It is not knowledge keeps a man secure –

With all his understanding, fate is sure;

Each moment we receive a different guest,

And each that comes presents another test,

Although a hundred sorrows wring your soul,

The future will not bow to your control.

But one who breaks illusion’s hold will find

Misfortune will not always cloud his mind.

A hundred thousand of His lovers sigh

To sacrifice themselves for Him and die;

How many waste their idle lives until

They bleed and groan, subservient to His will.

There’s nothing ahead

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Lovers think they’re looking for each other,

but there’s only one search:

wandering this world is wandering that,

both inside one transparent sky.

In here there is no dogma and no heresy.

The miracle of Jesus is himself,

not what he said or did about the future.

Forget the future.

I’d worship someone who could do that.

On the way you may want to look back, or not,

but if you can say

There’s nothing ahead,

there will be nothing there.

Stretch your arms

and take hold the cloth of your clothes

with both hands.

The cure for pain is in the pain.

Good and bad are mixed.

If you don’t have both,

you don’t belong with us.

When one of us gets lost,

is not here, he must be inside us.

There’s no place like that anywhere in the world.

What Jesus runs away from

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The son of Mary, Jesus,

hurries up a slope

as though a wild animal were chasing him.

Someone following him asks,

“Where are you going?

No one is after you.”

Jesus keeps on, saying nothing,

across two more fields.

“Are you the one who says words

over a dead person, so that he wakes up?”

I am.

“Did you not make the clay birds fly?”


“Who then could possibly cause you to run like this?”

Jesus slows his pace.

I say the Great Name over the deaf and the blind,

they are healed.

Over a stony mountainside,

and it tears its mantle down to the navel.

Over non-existence,

it comes into existence.

But when I speak lovingly for hours, for days,

with those who take human warmth and mock it,

when I say the Name to them,

nothing happens.

They remain rock, or turn to sand,

where no plants can grow.

Other diseases are ways

for mercy to enter,

but this non-responding breeds violence

and coldness toward God.

I am fleeing from that.

As little by little air steals water,

so praise dries up and evaporates

with foolish people who refuse to change.

Like cold stone you sit on a cynic steals body heat.

He doesn’t feel the sun.

Jesus wasn’t running from actual people.

He was teaching in a new way.

Christ is the population of the world,

and every object as well.

There is no room for hypocrisy.

Why use bitter soup for healing

when sweet water is everywhere?

The gift of water

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Someone who doesn’t know the Tigris River exists

brings the caliph who lives near the river

a jar of fresh water.

The caliph accepts, thanks him,

and gives in return a jar filled with gold coins.

“Since this man has come through the desert,

he should return by water.”

Taken out by another door,

the man steps into a waiting boat

and sees the wide freshwater of the Tigris.

He bows his head,

“What wonderful kindness that he took my gift.”

Every object and being in the universe

is a jar overfilled with wisdom and beauty,

a drop of the Tigris

that cannot be contained by any skin.

Every jarful spills and makes the earth more shining,

as though covered in satin.

If the man had seen even a tributary of the great river,

he wouldn’t have brought the innocence of his gift.

Those that stay and live by the Tigris

grow so ecstatic that they throw rocks at the jugs,

and the jugs become perfect!

They shatter.

The pieces dance, and water …

Do you see?

Neither jar, nor water, nor stone,nothing.

You knock at the door of reality,

shake your thought-wings,

loosen your shoulders,

and open.

The core of masculinity

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The core of masculinity

does not derive from being male,

nor friendliness from those who console.

Your old grandmother says,

“Maybe you shouldn’t go to school.

You look a little pale.”

Run when you hear that.

A father’s stern slaps are better.

Your bodily soul wants comforting.

The severe father wants spiritual clarity.

He scolds but eventually leads you into the open.

Pray for a tough instructor to hear and act

and stay within you.

We have been busy accumulating solace.

Make us afraid of how we were.

I honor those who try to rid themselves

of any lying,

who empty the self and

have only clear being there.

The valley of bewilderment

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Next comes the Valley of Bewilderment,

A place of pain and gnawing discontent

 Each second you will sigh, and every breath

Will be a sword to make you long for death;

Blinded by grief, you will not recognize

The days and nights that pass before your eyes.

Blood drips from every hair and writes “Alas”

Beside the highway where the pilgrims pass;

In ice you fry,

in fire you freeze

the Way Is lost,

with indecisive steps you stray

The Unity you knew has gone;

your soul Is scattered and knows nothing of the Whole.

If someone asks: “What is your present state;

Is drunkenness or sober sense your fate,

And do you flourish now or fade away?”

The pilgrim will confess: “I cannot say

I have no certain knowledge any more;

I doubt my doubt, doubt itself is unsure;

I love, but who is it for whom I sigh?

Not Moslem, yet not heathen; who am I?

My heart is empty, yet with love is full;

My own love is to me incredible.