The shape of my tongue

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This mirror inside me shows …

I can’t say what, but I can’t not know!

I run from body.

I run from spirit.

I do not belong anywhere.

I’m not alive!

You smell the decay?

You talk about my craziness.

Listen rather to the honed-blade sanity

I say.

This gourd head on top of a dervish robe,

do I look like someone you know?

This dipper gourd full of liquid

upsidedown and not spilling a drop!

Or if it spills,

it drops into God and rounds into pearls.

I form a cloud over that ocean and gather spillings.

When Shams is here, I rain.

After a day or two, lilies sprout,

the shape of my tongue.

Virgin poet

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“Please be gentle”, i said

“You are my first mystic poem”,

But the poem tore my shirt,

threw me on the floor,

jumped naked on top of me

and started kissing me passionately

The fire quickly burned the room,

numbed my senses and evaporated every desire

i ever had…

within seconds the whole universe turned to dust…

In the distance

I heared a familiar but faint voice thinking

this mystical poetry business

sure ain’t

for the faint of heart…

Hafez – Rubaiyat 21-25

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Don’t make me fall in love with that face
Don’t let the drunk the wine seller embrace.
Sufi, you know the pace of this path,
The lovers and drunks don’t disgrace.


I needed to hang on to her curly ring,
Help me please, let my affairs take wing.
Said, release my hair, instead take my lips,
Let go of long life, with good times swing.


From warriors learn courage,
And wisdom from the sage.
If you truly seek God’s grace,
Ride with the heavenly carriage.


At dawn your eyes from Jupiter learn
O God, may fantasies of my mind burn.
The ear adorned with that elegant ring
Gems of Hafiz’s poems may earn.


O friend, from your foes your heart release,
In pleasant company drink the good wine with ease.
Confer with those who know, open your heart
And from the ignorant fleas flee like the breeze.