Tao – 3 – Keeping the people at rest

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The moment you admire

You have created inequality and competition

The moment you value material goods

You have introduced envy and theft

Therefore the master leads her people

Towards silent practice

Provides simple meals

She weakens ambitions

And strengthens resilience


She helps you to forget

Anything you know

And anything you desire

And those who hold on to their knowledge

She helps them to let it go

There is no need for a doer

There is no need for a non-doer

Action and non-action already happen completely naturally

By itself

Ashtavakra – 11 – Wisdom

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Ashtavakra said:


Existence, non-existence, change

this is the nature of things.

Realizing this,

stillness, serenity and bliss naturally follow.


One who knows for certain that

“Self creates All and is alone”

becomes still, desireless, unattached.


One who knows for certain

that adversity and success

come and go in obedience to destiny

becomes content.

He neither desires nor grieves.


One who knows for certain that birth and death,

happiness and misery,

come and go in obedience to destiny

sees nothing to accomplish.

He engages in non-action, and in action remains unattached.


One who has realized

that only by caring is misery caused in the world

becomes free,

happy, serene, desireless.


“I am not the body, nor is the body my possession

I am Awareness itself.”

One who realizes this for certain

has no memory of things done or left undone.

There is only the Absolute.


“From Brahma to the last blade of grass

I alone exist.”

One who knows this for certain

becomes immaculate, serene, unconflicted.

Attainment has no meaning.


One who knows for certain

that this manifold and wonderful universe

is nothing

becomes desireless Awareness and

abides in the stillness of No-thing.

Tao – 2 – The nourishment of the person

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If you label anything as beautiful

You immediately create ugliness

If you label anybody as handy

You immediately create clumsiness

Existence and non-existence give birth each other

And this starts with your labeling

Being and non-being create each other.

Difficult and easy support each other.

Long and short define each other.

High and low depend on each other.

Before and after follow each other

Therefore the Master acts without doing and teaches without saying

Things arise and she lets them come;

things disappear and she lets them go.

She has but doesn’t possess, acts but doesn’t expect.

When her work is done, she forgets it.

That is why it lasts forever!

Tao – 1 – Embodying the Dao

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The Tao that can be described

is not the enduring and unchanging Tao.

The name that can be named

is not the enduring and unchanging

Preceding a name,

it is the Originator of heaven and earth;

Once named, it is the Mother of all things.


Free from desire, you live the mystery.

Caught in desire, you see only the surface.


Both arise from the same source.

This source has been given many names.

And remains a living mystery.

At the heart of the mystery

You find a fountain of subtle wonder!

Hafez – Ghazal 233

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Without a kiss from your lips,

I end my worldly errand.

In search of those sweet lips,

I have spent my whole life

Desires of the deprived,

those lips will reprimand.

In the circles of the Lovers,

his goodness they understand,

With reverence,

Hafiz’s name,

they pass from hand to hand.


Lips in Ruby – Nina-Smart

Enlightenment enlightened

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Enlightenment “enlightened”? Possibly it sounds pretentious.

But it can be simplified.

The concept has been oversold to you.

The basic insight behind ‘enlightenment’ is a very simpjle one.

You are not happening in space and time.

But time and space are happening in You.

Here the word ‘you’ is used in two different meanings. The first use of ‘you’, is the most common usage of the word. It is referering to the narrative of ‘you’. That you has an identity, a gender, an age. It has a political preference. It may of not be married. It pursues a career or is looking for a soul mate. This you has a past, a self improvement plan and a future.

The second use of the word ‘You’ is in capital letters by purpose. It refers to the direct experience of being You. This is the ‘You’ that never can leave you. It is always here as a living experience. Always changing. Always in motion.

‘you’ cannot hold onto ‘You’. But this tried in many techniques:

Meditation will not bring you enlightenment

Mindfulness will not bring you enlightenment

These activities will not bring ‘you’ any closer to ‘You’. They may even create a sense of seperation. Between a ‘well behaving’, spiritual ‘you’ that is mindful. And a ‘bad behaving’ ‘you’ that engages in other activities like smoking or drinking.

These are the narratives of self. A self has plans to quit smoking and drinking and an intention to ‘meditate more’.

Enlightenment is not about health.

That’s it. It is not more complicated than that. This the first step.

Once ‘You’ have recognized your true nature, it is not automatic that all the narratives are gone immediatly. But the rock solid believe in the narratives, moves to the background of your experience.