Hafez – Rubaiyat 11-15

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First enticed me to take the cup,

When I got drunk, told me to stop.

My eyes watery, my heart on fire,

I became dust and your wind picked me up.


All treasures ain’t worth this oppression.

All pleasures ain’t worth one transgression.

Not even seven thousand years of joy

Is worth seven days of depression.


Every friend who talked of love, became a foe.

Every eagle shifted its shape to a crow.

They say the night is pregnant, and I say,

 Who is the father? And how do you know?


Since the flower withers in the dark,

The bud blooms to leave its mark,

Happy is the heart, light as a bubble,

At the tavern is naked, stark.


Spend time with wine by a stream,

And let sorrows away stream.

My life, like a rose, is but few days;

Youthful and joyous live this dream.

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